These recommendations stem from consultations with over 30 participants from organizations and institutions working in areas like digital rights, media development, information integrity, democracy building, fact-checking, technology and others. The group had met 2 times and had regular online communications, as well as individual consultations on policy recommendations. Wider consultations were also held with 79 stakeholders like representatives of EU institutions, institutions of the governments in the region and EU based NGOs. Closed consultation meetings were also held, one with a group of CSO members of European Digital Rights Initiative (EDRI) and another with members of the SEECheck network. Two public events with 257 attendees also took place during the process a panel discussion at the POINT conference in Sarajevo, and one during the Digital Rights Summer School in Kotor. The group facilitators had advocacy meetings with representatives of EU institutions in Brussels, German ministries in Berlin, and individual meetings with decision makers, both at Bled Strategic Forum, and through visits to institutions in the region. UG Zašto ne facilitated the consultation process, alongside a core group of experts from each of the six Western Balkan countries.